Ensuring Safety Within The Railroad Industry

For any industry, safety and security should be of the utmost importance. In the railroad industry, preventative measures such as railroad contractor safety training ensures that contractors at railroad properties are knowledgeable in the necessary Rail and industry...

Improving the Candidate Experience

The term “candidate experience” is sometimes viewed as synonymous with “hiring process”, but, in fact, the two phrases are very different. Hiring process refers to the company’s process of evaluating, interviewing, background screening, and onboarding an applicant,...

Overcoming Talent Acquisition Challenges

HR managers and recruiting staff face many talent acquisition challenges—whether they are losing prospects to other organizations, losing them due to frustration in the hiring process, or selecting them to later realize they were a bad hire. Understanding the...

Preventing Bad Hiring Decisions

The Harvard Business Review reported that up to 80 percent of employee turnover is the direct result of bad hiring. Bad hiring—the selection of an applicant who doesn’t possess the proper credentials or, too often, an applicant who’s past behavior and decisions don’t...

eVerifile and Premier Healthcare Alliance Announce New Agreement

Atlanta GA (July 2, 2013) eVerifile, an industry leader in employment screening and workforce safety, has been awarded a new SEEDS(TM) by Premier healthcare alliance. SEEDS, which represents “Sourcing Education and Enrichment for Diverse and Small Suppliers,” is...