What You Need to Know About the Ban-the-Box Law

What is the box and why are people trying to ban it? The “box” refers to the question on many job applications that asks applicants if they have ever been convicted of a crime or ever been incarcerated. The ban-the-box movement is a proposal, already implemented in...

Changing Pre-Employment Background Screening Providers

Pre-employment background checks are among the most valuable contributions to a company’s risk minimization strategy. According to a study, 53% of resumes contain falsifications and a reported 7% of job seekers have a felony background. The truth remains...

Best Practices for Casino Vendor Screening

Far too often, many casino HR departments implement casino background screening policies for new hires, and even existing staff. Beyond casino staff there is another threat that exists. Vendors, and their employees, have access to secure areas of your casino and,...

Using Social Media to Find Talent for Your Company

Social media has grown to be an essential tool for brands—not only do Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube create opportunities to market products and services, but these platforms allow businesses to engage with their market; learn about their followers; market to their...